Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Year in the Life

I have no real excuse as to why I've neglected this poor blog for the last year. I think that I may have gotten tired of thinking of things to say/was distracted by new people/definitely lazy/working toward some lofty goals/fighting feelings of blog-induced narcissism/ or just fighting the fact that I have a a narcissism-induced blog. Who knows! I'm going to try again though, mainly for the sake of improving my writing which has fallen by the wayside since graduating two years ago.

New developments in the last year:

I decided to become a high school English teacher. After MANY failed attempts at obtaining a position as an editorial assistant at some publishing company between Boston and San Francisco, I realized that I didn't actually want to do that job anymore. I had a lot of trouble mustering up enough enthusiasm to convince the editors at that EMT textbook publisher that I would love the job. I think I gave up halfway through the interview.

Life changes directions on us often, and it often pushes us along avenues we had not previously noticed. My new avenue? English teacher. I took my last certification exam this past Saturday, and I'll find out in a month whether I passed. I was also accepted to the Simmons College Masters of Art in Teaching program for Secondary Education, which will help me earn my license in middle and high school English. I'm terrified. I'm not sure how good of a job I'll do, but I know that I feel genuine enthusiasm for this venture, and being a teacher will make my life much more flexible, and I've found flexibility to be an important factor in one's overall well-being.

I start classes on Monday.

I'm not sure what I'll write about on this blog, but I feel confident that I am truly a Lady of the Century, a product of Generation Y, a young American adult struggling to find a purpose after college has ended, and a person who is fed up with not experiencing enough.

Here's to Higher Education.

And here's to Jonsi--the lead singer of Sigur Ros who recently released his first solo album. I haven't bought it yet but I've listened to a lot of it. He's as whimsical and melodious as ever. Though he isn't singing exclusively in his imagined language of Hopelandic anymore, his music still reverberates with spirit. Listening to him makes me want to do something big. Hence--this blog has been awoken.