For the first time in my young life, I will experience New Years Eve away from the comforts of a house party at a familiar abode, and I will venture into the city to partake in bar-stlye festivities. Unfortunately, most of the NYE events are advertised as "sexy" and "sinful" and charge $60 so that patrons can enjoy overly-handled cold appetizers and a champagne toast at midnight, all while enjoying the latest sounds of this year's top 40. Being cheap and somewhat unfamiliar with dressing appropriately for a night of sex and sin, I've been searching the event listings of my favorite music clubs. I'd rather pay $20 for a night of local bands and cheap beer. And I don't like dress codes. I just don't
do them...I work at a bank. That's enough dress code for me.
SO! This is where I'll most likely be for New Years Eve 2009:
Harpers Ferry, Allston
I love Harpers Ferry. It's a big venue in an excellent area. College scenesters are crawling all over the streets, and I love it. I hope to move to that neighborhood next fall.
HF is having an overwhelming number of bands play that night, and it sounds everyone will be doing covers. That works for NYE because everyone will be so drunk that covers will tickle us to tears. At least I know I'll be tickled.
And $20??? Yes. My cohort and I can manage such a fee. There is a lot of room to
mingle and a long bar at which to quench our thirsts.
Hooray and Happy New Year :)